Application & Agreement Form and Public Announcement
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Click links aika inano aikai ibukin te Application & Agreement Form ao Rongorongon te mwane ni buoka
Session 3: Ministry Strategic Plan chaired by David Teabo
In accordance with the Leaders’ decision at the Special Smaller Island States Leaders Meeting on 24 June 2016 in Palau, for an SIS officials’ Attachment Programme at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and further recognition by SIS Leaders in Nauru of the importance of the Attachment Programme as a capacity-building support mechanism, the Secretariat invites…
Wiikin te Kiba nakon te Rikirake
The United States Department of State, in partnership with Cultural Vistas, is now accepting applications from emerging leaders across the Pacific to attend the Young Pacific Leaders (YPL) Conference in Papua New Guinea in April. The seventh Young Pacific Leaders Conference in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, will enhance Pacific leaders’, ages 25-35, leadership skills and regional…
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Immigration is pleased to announce that two bursaries are offered to candidates from Kiribati in the academic 2019/2020 year. The two candidates are to be selected and their applications with preferred Universities, colleges and the subject of studies submitted by the competent authorities of Kiribati through this mission’s email…
Applications are invited for suitably qualified Pacific Island Country nationals for Graduate Scholarships to undertake a Master’s Degree or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by research only at the University of the South Pacific (USP). Eight awards are tenable from mid-2019. The research will involve fieldwork and data analysis related to fisheries or sustainable marine…